The GFED Analysis Tool – An HDF Server Implementation

The HDF Server allows producers of complex datasets to share their results with a wide audience base. We used it to develop the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED) Analysis Tool, a website which guides the user through our dataset. A simple webmap interface allows users to select an area of interest and produce data visualization charts.

Multiple Independent File (MIF, aka N:M) Parallel I/O With HDF5

Mark Miller, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Guest Blogger The HDF5 library has supported the I/O requirements of HPC codes at Lawrence Livermore National Labs (LLNL) since the late 90’s. In particular, HDF5 used in the Multiple Independent File (MIF) parallel I/O paradigm has supported LLNL code’s scalable I/O requirements and has recently been gainfully used

2016 Newsletters

Release of HDF5-1.8.18 (Newsletter #152) – 11/16/16 Release of HDF Java Products for HDF5-1.8 (HDFView 2.13, HDF JNI 3.2.1) (Newsletter #151) – 7/25/16 Release of HDF 4.2.12 (Newsletter #150) – 6/30/16 Release of HDF5-1.10.0-patch (Bulletin) – 5/26/16 Release of HDF5-1.8.17 (Newsletter #149) – 5/13/16 Release of HDF5-1.10.0 (Newsletter #148) – 3/31/16

User Forum – We Want to Hear from You!

David Pearah, The HDF Group Hello again, HDF User Community, As I mentioned in my last blog post — HDF: The Next 30 Years (Part 2) — we’re looking for ways to better engage our users, which includes providing better tools for you to get support from the HDF Community.  We are looking for your input on three things:

Our Commitment to HDF5’s Diverse Community

David Pearah, The HDF Group Hello HDF Community! Thanks for the warm welcome into the HDF family: in my 4+ months as the new CEO, I’ve been blown away by your passion, diversity of interests and applications, and willingness to provide feedback on:  1. why you use HDF5?, and  2. how can HDF5 be improved? I also want to thank

HDF5 and The Big Science of Nuclear Stockpile Stewardship

DOE has continued to partner with The HDF Group, supporting development of HDF5 through two generations of computing; sponsoring this development has benefited the entire HDF5 user community. Today, DOE supports current HDF5 R&D to ensure that the data challenges of third generation exascale computing …

HDFql – the new HDF tool that speaks SQL

HDFql offers a language similar to SQL for HDF5. By providing a simpler/cleaner interface, HDFql aims to ease scientific computing and big data management.

The HDF Group welcomes new CEO Dave Pearah

Champaign, IL — The HDF Group today announced that its Board of Directors has appointed David Pearah as its new Chief Executive Officer. The HDF Group is a software company dedicated to creating high performance computing technology to address many of today’s Big Data challenges. Pearah replaces Mike Folk upon his retirement after ten years

Easy access to the NASA HDF products via OPeNDAP’s Hyrax

MuQun (Kent) Yang, The HDF Group Many NASA HDF and HDF5 data products can be visualized via the Hyrax OPeNDAP server through Hyrax’s HDF4 and HDF5 handlers.  Now we’ve enhanced the HDF5 OPeNDAP handler so that SMAP level 1, level 3 and level 4 products can be displayed properly using popular visualization tools. Organizations in

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