Website Survey How would you describe your role(s) with respect to HDF5: Data producer Data consumer Data engineer Data scientist Developer None of the above Did you find the information you needed? Yes No Would you like to share your thoughts about how the documentation/website is organized? Yes No What is your primary HDF5 library release version? 1.14.x 1.12.x 1.10.x 1.8.x 1.6.x Don't know. I'm using HDF5 with the following language(s)/interface(s): C C++ Fortran Java Python R Julia NetCDF Xarray, Kerchunk, Zarr Domain-specific (HDF-EOS, NeXus, NWB, etc.) Other I'm using the following HDF5 library feature(s): Parallel HDF5 (w/ MPI) Non-POSIX Virtual File Driver (VFD) (VFD) Single-Writer Multiple Readers (SWMR) Virtual Data Sets (VDS) High-level library (Lite, Packet Table, Dimension Scale, Image) HDF5 references Thread-safe library I am interested in using HDF5 in public or private clouds: Using the S3 VFD Using HSDS (HDF server) Using cloud-based filesystems (S3fs, JuiceFS, flexFS, s3backer, etc.) I am using the following tools to inspect or visualize HDF data: HDFView ParaView or VisIt H5Web Panoply Language or tool specific module (e.g., RStudio, Jupyter) What would you like most? (Pick one!) More frequent releases More and faster bug fixes Better documentation Performance improvements Greater robustness More features, name one Nothing, I am happy with HDF5 as it is I'm using HDF5 in... Production projects Example/toy projects Legacy projects Other HiddenAnything else you want to tell us?If you would like us to follow up, please leave your contact information.Name First Last Email HiddenWhat language(s) or interface(s) are you using? HiddenHow are you using HDF5? Anything else you want to tell us?If you would like for us to get in touch with you, please leave your contact informationName First Last Email Thank you for taking the survey.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.