Weekly HDF Clinic

Click to join – Tuesdays at 12:20 Central (US/Canada)

Join us for our weekly, unscripted, live events each Tuesday at 12:20 p.m. Central time! The HDF Group’s experts will present some information on their work, answer attendee questions, and, for example, go over the previous week’s HDF Forum posts. The HDF Clinics are free sessions intended to help users tackle real-world HDF problems, from a common cold to severe headaches, and offer relief where that’s possible. As time permits, we will include how-tos, offer advice on tool usage, review your code samples, teach you survival in the documentation jungle, and discuss what’s new or just around the corner in the land of HDF.

As always, feel free to bring any HDF-related questions to the session. Take advantage of a great chance to get in front of an engineer who may have the expertise you need for your project for free.

You can view all past episodes of Call the Doctor in this youtube playlist, or find links to it in podcast form with links to your favorite app.

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