Download the Latest Version of HDF5®

This download location is intended for new users of HDF5 or those looking for the most recent production version. Older versions of HDF5 can be downloaded from the Support site.

Pre-built Binary Distributions

If you do not see blue Download buttons in the table below, make sure you’ve completed our sign-in process.

hdf5-1.14.5-win-vs2022_cl.msi 40.9 MB


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hdf5-1.14.5-macos14_clang.dmg 41.1 MB


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hdf5-1.14.5-ubuntu-2204_gcc.deb 49 MB


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hdf5-1.14.5-ubuntu-2204_gcc.rpm 21 MB


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    Please be aware that HDF5 began using the AEC library for SZIP compression as of HDF5-1.10.7. AEC is a recent unrestricted open source implementation of SZIP. Although HDF5 applications will still work with the original SZIP, we recommend using the AEC library. The AEC library is originally from the German Climate Computing Center, The HDF Group uses AEC from

    • Windows Note: The HDF Group uses an installer program to install the HDF5 libraries, header and support files on Windows. This installer is digitally signed by The HDF Group. Please be aware that the installer requires that the user have permission to install files on the target computer. Also note that the Windows binary distributions are built in Release mode with debugging symbols. Please avoid using spaces in directory path names as this can cause problems when building.
    • To use the shared libraries on Windows with Visual Studio you must specify the H5_BUILT_AS_DYNAMIC_LIB compile definition.
    • Static libraries begin with lib and shared libraries do not. For example, hdf5.lib is the shared library and libhdf5.lib is the static library.
    • Applications that were created with earlier HDF5 releases may not compile with 1.14 by default.
      The API Compatibility Macros in HDF5 allow users to work around this issue. Users can specify a compatibility macro mapping for the version of HDF5 that an application was built with. For example, a 1.10 application can be built with 1.14 using either an application or library mapping as follows:

      • To compile an application built with a version of HDF5 that includes deprecated symbols (the default), specify: -DH5_USE_110_API (autotools) or –DH5_USE_110_API:BOOL=ON (CMake)
      • To build an HDF5 library with the 1.10 APIs specify --with-default-api-version=v110 (Autotools) or -DDEFAULT_API_VERSION:STRING=v110 (CMake).

      However, users will not be able to take advantage of some of the new features in 1.14 if using these compatibility mappings.
      See the Migrating from HDF5 1.12 to HDF5 1.14 page for details on upgrading an application.

    Source Code

    Click here to obtain code for all platforms.


    Looking for a specific release?

    You can access all versions of HDF5 on the support site.

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