
With MyIRE and HDF, everyone from a doctor in a small-town office to big data genetics researchers can work together to find new and powerful insights across data sets using a common set of tools - and do so in a repeatable way. And, because of HDF5, any user—whether large or small—is powered by the same technology used by CERN and NASA. We knew we wanted all of MyIRE’s users to have the power of NASA in their pocket. HDF5 made that possible....

Reproducibility in computing has important impacts in data sets of all shapes and sizes.  HDF provides high throughput interfaces to data sets in a reproducible way. Using HDF allows MyIRE users to analyze data across experiments and domains.  Methods, techniques, and case studies for using and increasing access to HDF will be presented. Please join us for a webinar with the team at MyIRE on Tuesday, February 12th, at 10:00 a.m. CST. Register now!...

Question and answers from the HDF5 C++ Webinar on January 24th, 2019. Read the followup questions and answers from presentations on H5CPP from Steven Varga, h5cpp Wrapper from Martin Shetty and Eugen Wintersberger and Ntuple: Tabular Data in HDF5 with C++ from Chris Green and Marc Paterno. ...

Join The HDF Group for a webinar consisting of three short presentations from the HDF5 community to learn about different approaches and exciting work being done by the HDF5 C++ community members. Steven Varga, Martin Shetty and Eugen Wintersberger, and Marc Paterno and Chris Green will share their vision for and experiences using HDF5 with C++....

We are pleased to announce the launch of The HDF Group’s new web-based Service Desk. The Service Desk ( is now available to the entire HDF community to submit issues, help requests, and bug reports....