Multiple Independent File (MIF, aka N:M) Parallel I/O With HDF5

Mark Miller, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Guest Blogger The HDF5 library has supported the I/O requirements of HPC codes at Lawrence Livermore National Labs (LLNL) since the late 90’s. In particular, HDF5 used in the Multiple Independent File (MIF) parallel I/O paradigm has supported LLNL code’s scalable I/O requirements and has recently been gainfully used […]

Announcing HDF5 1.10.0

We are excited and pleased to announce HDF5-1.10.0, the most powerful version of our flagship software ever.> This major new release of HDF5 is more powerful than ever before and packed with new capabilities that address important data challenges faced by our user community. HDF5 1.10.0 contains many important new features and changes, including those

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