3 thoughts on “Release of HDF5 1.10.0-alpha1”

  1. Antonino Ingargiola

    Thanks for the updates.

    Is the HDF5 on-disk format changed in version 1.10? Will it be possible to access files saved with 1.10 using the old library version 1.8.x?

    1. Hi Antonino,
      If SWMR or VDS is used, the 1.8 library will not be able to access the files since those two features require extensions to the HDF5 File Format that were not available in 1.8.
      One can use tools we provide to convert the files:
      – When the VDS feature is used, h5repack should be used to convert the file to 1.8 format.
      – When the SWMR feature is used, one can run h5repack, or better h5format_convert to convert 1.10.0 file to 1.8 file. h5repack rewrites the whole file, while h5format_convert does conversion in place. It rewrites only HDF5 metadata in 1.8 format.
      Let us know what you think!

  2. UPDATE Tuesday, January 19, 2016: The HDF5-1.10.0-alpha1 release is now available, adding Collective Metadata I/O to these new features:

    – Concurrent Access to an HDF5 File: Single Writer / Multiple Reader (SWMR)
    – Virtual Dataset (VDS)
    – Scalable Chunk Indexing
    – Persistent Free Filespace Tracking

    See the blog update for details, and let us know what you think!

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