2023 ECP Community BOF Days

The HDF Group is excited to announce we’re participating in the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) 2023 Community Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Days. Make sure to join the HDF5 session, HDF5: Pre-ECP, Present, and Future on February 14.

Release of HDF5 1.14.0 (Newsletter #189)

We are happy to announce the release of HDF5 1.14.0, which can now be obtained from the HDF5 Download page. More information about this release can be found on the HDF5 1.14.0 release page. For scheduled future releases, please refer to the release schedule.

Aggregation for Cloud Storage

If you’ve spent much time working with public repositories of HDF5 data, you’ll often see data organized as a large collection of files where the files are organized by time, geographic location or both. If you are using HSDS, there’s some good news in that you can use these collections as is and also have an aggregated view with HSDS.

HDF Cloud News – 11-28-22

News on the H5PYD v0.12.0 release and an install guide for running HSDS on Tencent Cloud.

Webinar Followup: NeXpy – A GUI Toolbox for Analyzing HDF5 data

On Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022 09:00 AM The HDF Group hosted a webinar on NeXpy. NeXpy is a GUI application designed to to facilitate creating, reading, visualizing, and manipulating data stored in HDF5 files. Although it was primarily designed to handle neutron and x-ray scattering stored using the NeXus format, most of its functionality is applicable to other types of scientific data stored in HDF5 files or even imported in a variety of formats.

Webinar Announcement: NeXpy – A GUI Toolbox for Analyzing HDF5 data

NeXpy is a GUI application designed to to facilitate creating, reading, visualizing, and manipulating data stored in HDF5 files. Although it was primarily designed to handle neutron and x-ray scattering stored using the NeXus format, most of its functionality is applicable to other types of scientific data stored in HDF5 files or even imported in a variety of formats. Join us for a webinar on Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada).

Can We Remove the Autotools?

HDF5 can be built using two build systems: the Autotools (since HDF5 1.0) and CMake (since HDF5 1.8.5). For a long time, the Autotools were better maintained and CMake was more of an “alternative” build system that we primarily used for handling Windows support (the legacy Visual Studio projects were removed in HDF5 1.8.11).

This is no longer the case though—CMake support in HDF5 is (almost) as good as Autotools support and CMake, in general, is much more commonly used now than when we first introduced it.

So why are we still hanging on to the legacy Autotools?

Workarounds for OpenMPI bug exposed by make check in HDF5 1.13.3

While developing HDF5 1.13.3, a bug was discovered in OpenMPI’s default I/O layer, affecting OpenMPI versions 4.1.0-4.1.4. It will be fixed in future releases. This bug can cause incorrect results from MPI I/O requests, unless one of the following parameters is passed to mpirun…

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