Webinar: Learn about data virtualization with HDF5-UDF and how it can streamline your work materials

On February 12, 2021, we were pleased to host Lucas Villa Real of IBM Research to discuss his project HDF5-UDF, a data virtualization tool for HDF5. The tool enables users to associate logic in source code form (i.e., in user-defined functions, written in Python, C/C++, or Lua) with HDF5 datasets. Such UDFs are compiled into a binary form (which often takes no more than a few KB) and embedded into HDF5; once an application reads such a dataset, HDF5-UDF executes that binary code and generates the data on-the-fly. Lucas has just released HDF5-UDF 1.2 which offers several new features: among other benefits, it makes it possible to easily virtualize CSV files so they look like regular HDF5 datasets.

Attached you’ll find the slide deck and the recording of this session.

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