New Webinar Announcement: Learn about the open source Highly Scalable Data Service (HSDS)

In this webinar, join HDF Group senior architect John Readey for an introduction to the open source Highly Scalable Data Service (HSDS), REST-based software for reading and writing HDF5 data in the cloud. Developed to make large datasets accessible in a manner that’s both fast and cost-effective, HSDS stores HDF5 files as objects, but provides the functionality traditionally offered by the HDF5 library as accessible by any HTTP client.

In this session we’ll cover the client SDKs intertwined with HSDS, the REST VOL and h5pyd, and give a demo of Kita Lab, one of The HDF Group’s commercial services centered around HSDS. Kita Lab is a managed JupyterLab environment with a command line interface, pre-loaded with HSDS, h5pyd, and sample notebooks and data. It’s a great way to experiment with HSDS and HDF5 and has a free 30-day trial. We’ll close up the webinar session with a Q&A.

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