Adopting HDF5 for Simulation Data in EDEM Software

Why do we use HDF5? We moved to HDF5 for our simulation data in 2016 from using our own proprietary file format. HDF5 had been on our radar for some time and we spent a couple of years investigating it and other file formats before deciding which we should switch to. HDF5 met all the criteria we had at the time. Amongst the criteria were: performance in speed and size, an accepted standard for scientific data, being open source, providing additional tools.

Our Commitment to HDF5’s Diverse Community

David Pearah, The HDF Group Hello HDF Community! Thanks for the warm welcome into the HDF family: in my 4+ months as the new CEO, I’ve been blown away by your passion, diversity of interests and applications, and willingness to provide feedback on:  1. why you use HDF5?, and  2. how can HDF5 be improved? I also want to thank

Whither HDF Java?

Joel Plutchak, The HDF Group The HDF Group’s support for and use of the Java Programming Language consists of Java wrappers for the HDF4 and HDF5 C libraries, an Object Model definition and implementation, and HDFView, a graphical file viewing application. In this article we’ll discuss what we’re doing now with Java, and look toward

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