HDF5 under the SOFA – A 3D audio case in HDF5 on embedded and mobile devices

Christian Hoene, Symonics GmbH; and Piotr Majdak, Acoustics Research Institute; HDF Guest Bloggers Spatial audio – 3D sound.  Back in the ‘70’s, “dummy head” microphones were used to create spatial audio recordings. With headphones, one was able to listen to those recordings and marvel at the impressive spatial distribution of sounds – just like in […]

Multiple Independent File (MIF, aka N:M) Parallel I/O With HDF5

Mark Miller, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Guest Blogger The HDF5 library has supported the I/O requirements of HPC codes at Lawrence Livermore National Labs (LLNL) since the late 90’s. In particular, HDF5 used in the Multiple Independent File (MIF) parallel I/O paradigm has supported LLNL code’s scalable I/O requirements and has recently been gainfully used

HDF5 and The Big Science of Nuclear Stockpile Stewardship

DOE has continued to partner with The HDF Group, supporting development of HDF5 through two generations of computing; sponsoring this development has benefited the entire HDF5 user community. Today, DOE supports current HDF5 R&D to ensure that the data challenges of third generation exascale computing …

HDFql – the new HDF tool that speaks SQL

HDFql offers a language similar to SQL for HDF5. By providing a simpler/cleaner interface, HDFql aims to ease scientific computing and big data management.

HDF5 and .NET: One step back, two steps forward

… enables the creation of new APIs, be it a more specific one or a new higher level API. All this is achieved in a maintainable, .NET-conformant manner, while enabling .NET developers to be creative and efficient with HDF5.

Python & HDF5 – A Vision

Anthony Scopatz, Assistant Professor at the University of South Carolina, HDF guest blogger “Python is great and its ecosystem for scientific computing is world class. HDF5 is amazing and is rightly the gold standard for persistence for scientific data. Many people use HDF5 from Python, and this number is only growing due to pandas’ HDFStore.

Answering biological questions using HDF5 and physics-based simulation data

David Dotson, doctoral student, Center for Biological Physics, Arizona State University; HDF Guest Blogger Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Anthony Scopatz for the first time at SciPy 2015, and we talked shop. I was interested in his opinions on MDSynthesis, a Python package our lab has designed to help manage the complexity of raw and derived

Parallel I/O with HDF5

Mohamad Chaarawi, The HDF Group Second in a series: Parallel HDF5 In my previous blog post, I discussed the need for parallel I/O and a few paradigms for doing parallel I/O from applications. HDF5 is an I/O middleware library that supports (or will support in the near future) most of the I/O paradigms we talked

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