Workshop Announcement: HDF5 Training Workshop for intermediate and advanced users

The HDF Group’s M. Scot Breitenfeld will be presenting a virtual training workshop on August 31, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. central time. This event is free, but registration is required before August 15.


HDF5 is a data model, file format, and I/O library that has become a de-facto standard for HPC applications to achieve scalable I/O and the storage and management of big data from computer modeling. This workshop will be geared toward the ALCF Polaris system. It will give an overview of its parallel file system and its possible effects on HDF5 performance and will provide a summary of tools useful for performance investigations. It will use examples from well-known codes and use cases from HPC science applications in hands-on demonstrations. It will discuss HDF5 tuning techniques such as collective metadata I/O, data aggregation, parallel compression, and other HDF5 tuning parameters and features. Finally, the workshop will allow for a review of attendees’ HDF5 I/O implementations targeting the Polaris system.

The workshop will target intermediate and advanced users of HDF5 since it will cover the best practices, supporting analysis tools, and tuning techniques for users already using parallel HDF5. New users to HDF5 are encouraged to attend the precursor talk:

In this workshop the following topics will be covered: Cutting-edge HDF5 features, System Specific Considerations and significant time will be dedicated to hands-on. For more information including the agenda, visit the registration page.

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